Friday, December 25, 2020
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
What the Christmas Season Means to Us
By: Erin
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 23, 2020
Family Fellowship Evening
By: Luke
Something I strive for is a faith-filled life, so this year has been a good challenge to me. It is always encouraging to hear other people's lives of faith. One man’s life of faith that has been a blessing to me, is Matt Herbster. Mr. Herbster went through a very difficult time in his life when his beloved wife, Julie, was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2012. Throughout the ten long months that they fought this terrible disease, he had questions that were not easy to answer. Why did this happen to us? How am I going to take care of the children and homeschool them if the Lord takes Julie home? These were some of the questions that ran through his mind. Matt Herbster couldn’t see any good in what was happening; however, he knew that God is good and he was going to trust in Him no matter what happened. Sadly, on March 25, 2013, his wife, Julie Herbster, went to be with the Lord. Mr. Herbster could have lived the rest of his life in grief and bitterness toward God. He could have left the Lord, and the ministry he served, but, praise the Lord, he didn’t. Even though he didn’t understand why this happened, he knew God had a plan, and he chose to continue serving and trusting the Lord, and taught his children to do the same. He wrote a beautiful song, "In Faith I Follow", to share his faith in God with others and as a dedication to his wife.
In faith I follow on the path though the way is hid from view.
My soul is trusting in your will, I gladly lean on You.
Lead me on, loving Shepherd, I rest in all You are.
Keep my gaze on only You, Lord; strengthen now my fainting heart.
In faith I follow on the path though I'm worn by fear and care.
Refresh me with unending joy to lift me from despair.
Lead me on, loving Shepherd, my refuge and my shield.
Keep my gaze on only You, Lord; to Your will my soul doth yield.
In faith I follow on the path 'neath the shadow of the cross.
You freely gave so I could live, I count all gain as loss.
Lead me on, loving Shepherd, I kneel before Your throne.
Keep my gaze on only You, Lord, my life is not my own.
In faith I follow on the path, soon I'll see You face to face.
In times of pain, I need Your strength to finish strong the race.
Lead me on, loving Shepherd, affliction I will bear.
Keep my gaze on only You, Lord, glory comes beyond compare.
2Corinthians 5:7, Hebrews 10:23.
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Monday, October 12, 2020
Random Pictures from Summer!
By: Erin

Tuesday, September 22, 2020
August Trip to Virginia
By: Erin